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Overview of AppleTV I went to the AppleTV Tech Talk in NYC today. Here are some of my takeaways. Living Room Experience Focus based interaction Attention on great content – Since interactivity is not the focus as much on a big screen. Also because it is a mult-user experience, everyone can enjoy the content, but […]
Very excited about my class this semester at Georgia Tech. The class is Educational Technology, and is a project or paper based class, where the goal is to contribute to education today. I am very happy that the class is designed to have students actually create products and research that can be utilized today. David […]
Heroes of the storm. Nycynik as Uther.
DZone published an infographic of the top software development languages of 2015. C++ came in 6th, that was not expected, and my top languages were all in the top 10, so happy about that. I was confused that they listed CSS at all, I am not sure that is a language. They also bundled SQL […]
I decided to re-make my dice game, but this time do it in 3D. So I started making the assets in Blender. The first asset I decided to work on was the Die. To begin with, the basic shape of the die, is a simple cube. So I started by adding a cube, and then […]