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Install Vagrant If you have not already, download and install vagrant. Since I am using a mac, I use VirtualBox for vagrants VMs. Download Oracle Since oracle is a commercial product, it can not be packaged in with the git repository, or directly downloaded automatically. You will need an Oracle account in order to downoald it, […]
Step 1: Download You will need to download at least 3 files from oracle. In order to do so, you may need to register as an Oracle developer, or log in. The three files you need are the “basic”, “SDK” and “sqlplus” files for instantclient. They can all be found on the Oracle website. instantclient-basic-macosx-<version>.zip […]
PlayFab bills itself as “The most powerful backend platform for your game.” It offers a host of features if you are building a multiplayer game. Since I am building a multiplayer game I thought I would try it out. After signing up for an account, I was directed to a three step process to get […]
Today I worked on setting the initial location of the dice, and verified the setup by starting with the dice above the board, so they would simply fall when the game starts. There were a number of interesting things done today, I added the dice to the board in their starting position, I added barriers […]
Continuing on the board today, I wanted to load it in to Unity, but before I can do that I needed to create a UV map that would travel along with it. UV mapping is clearly a skill on to its own. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out exactly why the […]
1) Start by clicking the drop down next to the run buttons in the top right of the screen. Then Select edit configuration. 2) Now click the add button (“+”) at the top left of the configuration screen, and choose “Application”. 3) Set your working directory of your application, it may already be set. 4) […]
Adding swagger to your dropwizard application is very easy. I followed the tutorial for information on how to do so, and here were the actual changes I made. Step 1: Update your pom.xml file Step 2: Update your DW application configuration To make the configuration portable across environments, you can add the base path to […]
Another fun replay.
Today I continued working on the dice game, and continued with the first version of the board that the dice will roll in. The textures shown here are in Blender, and should look much different when applied in Unity. I will try to get the board in Unity next, so I can see how well my […]
Previously whenever you wanted to lock down a version of your software that was using NPM for dependency management, you had to check in your entire node_modules folder in to source control. This led to a lot of issues, not the least of which was the fact that your repository size grew by hundreds of megs. […]