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TwilioQuest Review Twilio has created an awesome game that is designed to teach students to program. I’m going to start by just saying – if you are interested in learning to code, then this app is fun and a great way to get started! Also if you have a friend who is learning to code […]
Gamification has become a bit of a dirty word in Education, and there have been many detractors in business as well. I recently read this Quora question, “Is Gamification Evil?” and I wanted to both respond to the response, and also show an example of Gamification that most developers who use GitHub are familiar with, […]
The gamification of Agile planning poker Planning poker® is a part of many Agile team’s rituals and is used during the estimation of stories. The main goal of planning poker is to enable the team to estimate their stories in a fun way – but it also helps the estimation process in many ways. I’ve […]
If you have multiple organizations that you code with, you may have noticed that all of the GitHub notifications go to a single inbox. This may be useful, but for me, I prefer to have the relevant emails sent to individual inboxes. For instance, my personal repository should update my personal email, and a business […]
Python libraries for computational statistics and data science Python is a perfect choice for working with data, but it is not the only choice, R is also a great choice for instance. But since python is very accessible and it is a general-purpose language that you can use for other projects, it may be the best choice […]
AdeventOfCode.com is a site that has, for many years, offered an incredibly fun and challenging set of puzzles during the month of December. If you are an aspiring software engineer or a seasoned pro, this site is for you! The site has a simple new challenge for each day of December leading up to the […]
I’ve been exploring React Native recently with NX to add native applications to existing repositories that have to React applications in them. This is to start to see how you can use NX and shared libraries to have common logic and views shared between the mobile and web portions of the application or site. Here […]
Reading Barcodes User Story: As a parent, I want to quickly log the book that I’m about to read. Continuing to work on the mobile app to inspire parents to read books with their children, I’ve decided a great feature would be the ability to track the books that were read. I think the fastest […]
Anaconda is a free and open-source distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computing, that aims to simplify package management and deployment. Package versions are managed by the package management system “conda” instead of pip, and the packages include binaries in addition to python source libraries. It’s a great tool if you are […]
For quite some time now there has been a bit of pressure on terminal users and developers to move away from bash to zsh or (Z Shell). Recently it seems to have gone to the next level with Mac OSX defaulting to zsh shell. Of course, you can continue to use bash but clearly, zsh […]