The idea for MOOCMinder came from my research of MOOC’s in my Ed Tech class at GATech. The main feature of the site is to help students stay on track and complete their MOOC course. But along the way it transitioned in to something that would help students to better know their own understanding of the material of the MOOC course that they are enrolled in. I plan to have features that will do both, but the main focus right now is to find ways to automatically track their progress in the MOOC, so that I can give them feedback as they progress. I am doing this with a Chrome extension.
Chrome extensions are easy to write, but I am not sure if it will be able to send information about what they are doing on (or any other MOOC.) This is the first hurdle with the extension. If it is able to post their current progress, the second half will be creating an endpoint at that the extension will interact with, and send the data as they move through their course.
Security is a big concern as well, I would like the extension to require authentication of some sort, and I am not yet sure how I will be doing that, but it will use an encrypted connection via HTTPS, but I also want to know that you, are you. So I will also be adding a login to the extension at some point. In the spirit of agile, doing that later, and focusing on making it work.